Welcome to SmartFind Express. Providing internet access to the Substitute Employee Management System (SEMS). ****There was an update to the system you need to create a new 8 digit password it will consist of letters, numbers and special characters. Please enter your user id (employee #) and then click on forgot password, it will ask you to enter your Access ID (employee #) and submit, it will then send you an email and follow the instructions on your email to create your password. If you don't have an email set up in your profile please call the Help Desk so we can add the email address for you.**** As of December 14, 2017 only teachers and aides requiring a substitute teacher will be reporting the absences to the SmartFind system. Everyone else will be handled through the TCP and absence from duty reports. ***If you are a new employee and need to register for a pin number PLEASE CALL THE AUTOMATED SYSTEM AT 238-4674 it will ask you for an Access ID & PIN, use your employee number for BOTH ACCESS ID AND PIN NUMBER followed by the star key (*) it will then ask you to record your name and to create a 6 digit PIN, if you can't access the system PLEASE CALL THE HELP DESK AT 698-1225 so we can verify that we have added you to this system.**** ***Help desk hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.***